Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Research&Planning: Voyeurism practical.

After studying the theoretical side of voyeurism we then put our knowledge into practical work where we filmed a series of voyeuristic shots. First we made a quick storyboard based on our shot list from the last lesson.

We then took the camera to the common room and tried to film these shots by using tracking shots, tilting and panning. We found that it was a lot harder than we had initially thought and we also ended up filming a lot of different shots which would hadn't planned but some of these worked quite well.
This exercise was very interesting and helpful as we realised that due to the genre and nature of our music video we should try to avoid using these shots too much as we don't really want to create an overall theme of voyeurism in our music video. However we would like some POV shots but we would use these to create enigma more than voyeurism.

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