Friday, 26 October 2012

Research&Planning: Post-Production experimentation.

In class today we decided to experiment with the different effects that final cut pro let us add to our footage. We wanted to find out how to make the scene appear darker, like it was filmed later in the day or on a more overcast day as the test footage that we have at the moment was filmed on quite a sunny day. To do this we played around with the effects until we found how to change the saturation and this is what we used to change the lighting of a shot.

After doing this successfully we thought we should try to see if we edit on a strobe lighting effect on in post-production as at the moment we only own a few small strobe lights and we thought these might look a little weak for the shots we want to achieve. Also we have heard that when filming with strobe lights the after effect cannot look great due to the camera not being able to pick up details with the constantly changing lights.  So with this in mind we found a really good YouTube tutorial which explained how this could be done, we then attempted it ourselves.

At first it was quite tricky as we weren’t sure what all of the different colour levels did and how far to adjust them to create the best look for our footage however after a lot of playing around with the controls I feel we managed to get a really good effect.  

To make a strobe light effect on final cut pro we first chose the footage we wanted, then duplicated it, placing one lot of footage over the other by layering it. Then we altered the top layer by making the white level higher which made the scene brighter, we also changed the saturation and mid tones slightly so that it didn’t go grainy. Then we changed the second layer in the opposite way, making the black more prominent which creates the effect it was filmed in the dark. After this we used the video transition effect Blink which means the video alternates between light and dark, as if it were filmed with strobes. The final thing we did was change the speed of the transition so that it moved quicker so that it looked more effective.
The video tutorial we watched

Our attempt at strobes.

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