Thursday, 28 March 2013

Evaluation: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Social Media

This video shows how we used democratic, web 2.0, social media during all stages of production to help us. We found the artist through Facebook and then went on to contact them and acquire copyright for the song.  In the evaluation stages we used Facebook as a platform to advertise our product and to try and gain some audience feedback.

For our audience feedback we used Survey Monkey to create a survey with relevant questions, this was a lot easier than it would have been in the past because there was no need to print out many copies of the survey and physically hand them to people for them to complete. As we were able to post this link online it meant we could access a wider demographic of people. This was good as we wanted to get as much feedback from as many different types of people as possible.

Coming back to Facebook we were also able to access their band profile on Reverbnation through their page and so we could listen to all their songs and decide which we should make a video for.

We used YouTube in the research and planning stages to look up similar bands and watch their music videos to try and gain an understanding of codes and conventions. We also then used it to upload our finished product so that it was easily found by our audience.  We again used YouTube in our evaluation to upload the various videos we had created.

As well as this we used Blogger throughout the whole process to keep a documented account of all the work we were doing and as a place to share our products. This was good as Blogger allows the user to post a range of multimedia such as images, video and hyperlinks which kept our blog interesting and expanded upon our writing to give a visual element. It also meant that we could receive feedback via comments from anyone who had accessed our blog through google or other means.

When filming we used a Cannon legria HV40 video camera. This records high quality images which was essential for some of our shots. We used the focus button a lot during filming so that the foreground was in focus whilst blurring the background as we thought this made it look a lot more dramatic as the detail was clean and clear. We recorded all our footage onto a tape which we could then import later using a firewire.

We used an Apple Mac equipped with the industry standard editing software Final Cut Pro to do our editing. This meant we were able to make our video look as professional as possible by using effects such as colour enhancements, strobe lighting and transitions like dip to colour dissolve for the montage at the start of the song. We were also able to add the bands details at the start and end of the song as well as the Scuzz logo to the top left corner which made it look professional.

In reference to audio we bought and downloaded the song of iTunes and we were then able to import this into Final Cut pro. We used audio software Audacity to cut the end of the song as we just felt that the instrumental went on for a bit long and that our video would be more dramatic if we didn’t draw it out to much.

For the Digipak and magazine advert we used photoshop to edit the drawn pictures and to add text over the top. Although, as it was hand drawn, we did not use it an overt amount.

For the evaluation we also used online presentation device Prezi to make an interesting and interactive presentation that answers question two.

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