Friday, 23 November 2012

Main Task: Story Narrative

We have decided to expand on our story narrative within our music video as at the moment it is quite ambiguous as the only clues the audience get is that the band are running away from something through a wood. We have developed our narrative by using old objects such as, a photo in a photo frame that's been smashed, an old pocket watch and a teddy bear, and having the band run past these objects as they lay in the wood.

This gives it a much more recognisable feel of an apocalypse as it is more obvious that something has happened which lead to all these items being scattered around a wood. I also feel that it gives it a much more creepy feel, especially the teddy bear as this normally has connotations of childhood and innocence but as it is dirty and left abandoned in a wood it becomes quite scary.

I think using these objects will give our music video another level and will make it more interesting for the audience as they will now be asking questions about these objects and it will make them more engaged in the video and they are therefore less likely to switch the video off.

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