Thursday, 15 November 2012

Main Task: Editing

We have now edited a lot of our footage to our song and it has started to look quite good, however it has become apparent that we still need to film more footage as we have some gaps in our timeline where we need new footage. As well as new footage we also need to re-film some shots as although we like the concept of them, the actual shot is slightly out of focus or just isn't quite right. So to combat this we watched our video all the way through last lesson and made a shot list of all the things we need top film. We also contacted our actors to find out when the can film next and we should have our filming schedule soon.

New Shot List
Re-film establishing shot of wood
Film solitary note being played by guitar at start
Re-film vocalist jumping over camera-get the jump in middle of shot
Replace birds eye view shot of band with a better angle x2-creates more enigma
Re-film drum shots- make sure we can sync visuals to audio
Replace band helping guitarist up when he falls- doesn't fit in with genre
Re-film band siking up- make acting believable
Re-film last slow-motion shot of band running away
Film more close ups and mid shots of instruments
Film vocalist singing into camera-close ups
Film guitar battle
Film more close ups in the wood.

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